Learning about the world of work

18 September 2023

VCAL students from Mary McKillop College in Leongatha visited Burra Foods in August to find out what we do and how we do it – providing a window into the world of work and potential career opportunities.

Students were guided through several areas on the Burra site, including the laboratory, top warehouse and frozen packing areas. Donning full site personal protective equipment, they learned about safety requirements, worked through Site Safety Inspection checklists and sampled our new cream cheese products.

Seeing food manufacturing in action was an eye-opener for them, and teacher Brendan Kellow emphasised the value of the excursion for the students.

“The explanation of safety requirements was informative, relevant and fit with our sessions perfectly,” he said. “Burra’s Nutritional Supervisor, James Miller, was really friendly and seemed genuinely happy to have us there. It meant a lot that we were given the time.”

Each year, Burra supports young people in a range of programs that help them build their skills for the future. This includes holiday jobs, school tours and Science Week presentations at local secondary schools.