Expanding the family farm to include 400 acres in Meeniyan was a big leap for the Apps family, but it’s a move they’re glad they made.
Fabian and Rachael Apps, together with Fabian’s parents Tim and Louise, started raising calves in Gembrook before buying 173 acres in Ranceby nine years ago. At the time, Fabian and Rachael owned two pizza shops, Tim worked in soil and water science, and Louise with Vision Australia.
Together they decided to try their luck at dairy farming.
“We started with 73 milking cows and each year our herd increased,” said Fabian. “We kept progressing, adding sheds and equipment to the property. It took us eight years to get to a herd of 200.”
The family decided to expand and recently bought a 400 acre farm in Meeniyan. Fabian, Rachael and the children moved there in December.
“Our cows are a mix of Fresian and cross-bred cows and this year we bought another 100,” said Rachael. “We’re building a calf shed but being so new, we’re still working out the property’s potential.”
Rachael and Fabian have four children aged 6 to 16, and the younger two were born during those early farming years.
“It’s been challenging at times, especially over the first few years when prices went down and money was tight,” said Fabian. “We were all still working in our previous jobs so there was a lot to juggle. But we loved the lifestyle.”
While some people find it difficult to work with family, Rachael explained that their experience of the partnership has been positive.
“We’re all here to help out. For example, if a cow gets in trouble and Fab isn’t here, there are three of us to deal with it,” she said.
“We trust each other. It’s harder when we have different ideas on how to go about things but we always work it out. And it was great having grandparents on hand to look after the kids when we worked nights.”
The Apps family has been with Burra Foods since they first began farming.
“We like the fact that Burra is a local company that’s reliable and very easy to deal with,” added Fabian. “Best of all, if you want to talk to anyone at Burra, you can – they pick up the phone. That’s rare these days.”